Company Description
Utah's finest custom leather works. Don Roundy has been hand building footwear for forty years. Specializing in boots, hiking boots, shoes and sandals, these are the finest products available. Don makes the shoes exactly to your specifications-- one at a time at his bench. He offers repair on the same. Time proven, handmade, bench built, using only top quality material, personalized is best. You will enjoy the quality for years to come. There is no substitute for quality and detail-focused craftsmanship.
In 1974 Don Roundy coupled his college classes with a job at a shoe repair shop. Soon he was in the shoe business for himself and studying courses in building saddles. This is how he started to learn the nearly lost age-old craft of handcrafting custom shoes and boots. Now, after nearly forty years of practicing excellence, he is one of the country's few highly skilled masters of the trade.
While he was first a shoe repairman, he is careful to say that the repair service he offers is rebuilding not repair. Although almost all of the repair work is done on the factory constructed boots, shoes and saddles that are brought it to him, he insists on upgrading the workmanship in every job with the same process and materials he uses in his handmade products.
Back in the days when the only way to make the boots the cowboys wore was the same traditional way used in the D Roundy traditional product, the cowboy would pay all of a week's wages for his footwear. It is not so different today in purchasing a pair with the D Roundy mark inside.
Wrap your mind around the concept that you can have your shoes made by a personal shoemaker, not a production line factory. Wrap your mind around the concept that doing so is the healthiest for your feet, shows your status of personalization and success, and is wisest for your pocket book in the long run.
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Products & Services
Long run pocket book wisdom , Saddles , Personalized shoes , Boots , College classes in building saddles , Custom leather works , accessories , Upgrading workmanship , Master of the trade , Nearly lost age-old craft of handcrafting custom shoes and boots , Hand building footwear , Bench built , Shoes , Custom Leather Footwear , Sandals , Personal shoemaker , Hiking boots , Repair service , Traditional way of making boots , Top quality material
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